Canadian Technology Accelerator CleanTech @ NYC and Silicon Valley

Trade Commissioners in New York City (NYC), Regine Clement and  San Francisco, Dan Matross announce the recruitment launch for the CTA Cleantech Track NYC and Track Silicon Valley.   They are now taking applications for the first cohort of Canadian cleantech companies to start in March 2013. 

For more information see below and check out our information page at:                                                                                                                                                                         

Qualified candidates who would like to be considered for the 16-week virtual CTA CleanTech @ NYC or Silicon Valley starting in March 2013 at:·        

All selected companies will benefit from a common virtual advanced and tailored educational program with Silicon Valley, NYC, and Boston area-based industry experts, financiers, and entrepreneurs.  ·        

Each Track will offer distinct market-specific virtual programming elements, focusing on investment, strategic partnerships, and customer development targeting Fortune 500 companies and other large corporations, utilities and government.·        

Each Track will also offer in-market activities such as a market orientation event at the launch and Demo Day at the conclusion of the program to meet targeted potential customers and investors.

Meet the network that will accelerate the launch of your company into global markets!

The deadline for receiving applications is January 31, 2013.

What our former CTA CleanTech participants are saying…

CTA CleanTech Silicon Valley

Marlene Moore, Vice-President of Marketing with Halifax-based Green Power Labs said Green Power Labs connected with a mentor who was “enormously familiar with technology and the software market and the clean energy market.”

Without the Accelerator and the support of the Trade Commissioner Service, a company on the east coast of Canada having the good fortune of having a mentor like that would have been a shot in the dark,” she says.

Green Power Labs also took advantage of the opportunity to connect with clients, venture capitalists and other similar businesses, says Moore, who would recommend the Canadian Technology Accelerator “absolutely, without a hesitation.”

CTA CleanTech NYC

The best way to think of the benefits that come from participating in the CTA Accelerator is to understand that it literally accelerates the participant’s efforts in business development and fundraising. The NYC team, led by Regine Clement, takes the time to understand your technology and tailors their assistance accordingly. Our company benefited tremendously from the exposure the program provided to us and have since moved forward in discussions with several Fortune 500 companies as a direct result of our participation and Regine’s network. I strongly recommend this program for any up and coming cleantech company.“ Omar Tabba, CEO of YWire Technologies, Pilot CTA Cleantech (NYC) participant.

About the CTA CleanTech

CTA CleanTech connects your business to the unique resources and contacts needed to accelerate your growth.

Accelerator candidates are small to mid-sized Canadian companies with initial traction in the market, differentiated technology, and potential to scale the business.

CTA CleanTech provides access to:   

•       Technology demonstrations
•       Strategic partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and/or other high-growth market participants
•       New marquee customers including Fortune 500 companies, utilities, government
•       Financing opportunities including angel, VC, and PE
•       A soft landing for setting up a local business development office

 CTA CleanTech services include:

•       Targeted educational program tailored for CleanTech companies seeking to grow in key US markets and global markets
•       Access to mentors, advisors, and domain experts, including successful Canadian executive expatriates
•       Introductions to industry leaders, venture capitalists, potential customers, and other key resources through webinars and in-market networking events such as Mentor Days and Demo Days    
• Additional connections from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

CTA CleanTech:  Helping to grow your business from “The Hub!”

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service manages the Canadian Technology Accelerators (CTA) in New York, Silicon Valley, and Boston, the global clusters for technology and entrepreneurship.